Giovanni Boldini's Henri Rochefort  (Frontpage)  (more on Giovanni Boldini)  (Thumbnail Index)  (What's new)

 Henri Rochefort

From: Olga's Gallery 
Henri de Rochefort, Marquis de Rochefort Lucay (1830-1913) civil servant and critic, Sub-inspector of the Paris Beaux-Arts. He was condemned under military law to life- imprisonment for his support of the Commune and exiled to New Caledonia in 1873. Four months later he and some other convicts escaped in a whale boat. He lived in Geneva and London until the amnesty made his return to Paris possible, and shortly thereafter he founded a new paper, L’Intransigiant. Ironically, the radical Rochefort later became a follower of General Boulanger and leader of the anti-Dreyfusands.  
(Olga's Gallery) 

Manet painted him 



By:  Natasha Wallace
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Created 10/15/2001