Antonio Mancini's Artist's Father c.1903  (Frontpage)  (More on Antonio Mancini) (Thumbnail Index)  (What's New)


Artist's Father c.1903
Ritratto del padre
Antonio Mancini (1852-1930) Italian impressionist
Portrait of the Artist's Father circa 1903-4
Tate Gallery
Oil on canvas
99.7 x 59.7 cm

Presented by L.A. Harrison 1922

Jpg: Tate Gallery

From: Tate Gallery
(display caption September 2004)

This portrait of his father was included in a huge exhibition of modern Italian painting held at Earl's Court in 1904. It was shown again in the New English Art Club the following year. Sargent himself owned another version of it.
(Tate Gallery)

This, apparently, was owned by another of Mancini's friends as it was gifted by Lawrence Alexander "Peter" Harrison.

Giovanni Boldini (1845 -1931)
Italian-French portrait painter
Portrait of the Artist: Lawrence Alexander "Peter" Harrison



By: Natasha Wallace
Copyright 1998-2005 all rights reserved
Created 2/7/2005