Jorge Luis Borges:"Amorosa Anticipación"  (Frontpage)


Ni la intimidad de tu frente clara como una fiesta
ni la costumbre de tu cuerpo, aun misterioso y tacito Y  de niña,
ni la sucesion de tu vida asumiendo palabras o silencios
seran favor tan misterioso
como mirar tu sueño implicado
en la vigilia de mis brazos.
Virgen milagrosamente otra vez por la virtud absolutoria del sueño,
quieta y resplandeciente como una dicha que la memoria elige,
me daras esa orilla de tu vida que tu misma no tienes.
Arrojado a quietud,
divisare esa playa ultima de tu ser
y te vere por vez primera, quiza,
como Dios a de verte,
desbaratada la ficcion del Tiempo,
sin el amor, sin mi.

(Jorge Luis Borges."Amorosa Anticipación",OBRAS COMPLETAS. Buenos Aires, EMECÉ Editores, 1974, p.59 )

Jorge Luis Borges (Argentinean writer/poet 1899 - 1986 - site in English)


Neither your forehead's intimacy clear as a celebration
nor your body's habit, still mysterious and tacit, and a girl's, nor
the succession of your life assuming words or silences shall be such a
mysterious favour as watching your sleep implied
in the vigil of my arms.
Miraculously virgin again by the absolving virtue of sleep,
still and glowing like a joy that memory chooses,
you will give me that edge of your life which you lack yourself.
Flung to quietness,
I shall see that last beach of your being
and I will see you for the first time, maybe,
as God must see you,
Time fiction spoiled,
without love, without me.


(Editor's Note) my deep gratitude to Mariana Harriague <>, of Buenos Aires, Argentina, for the translation from Spanish to English and for being a friend of the JSS Gallery

The poem was refered to by Umberto Vettori in the Madame X forum

By:  Natasha Wallace
Copyright 1998-2002 all rights reversed
Created 4/23/2001
Updated 6/112002